How to take ownership and get full access to the files and folders in Windows 10

How to take ownership and get full access to the files and folders in Windows 10 -

Sometimes you need to get full access to a file or folder in Windows 10 . It can be a system file or folder, or one that was created by a user account that no longer exists. In most cases, the Windows operating system you from doing any work on those files and folders. In this article we will see how to take ownership and get full access to the files and folders in Windows 10.

Take ownership of a file or folder in Windows 10 using file Explorer

to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows 10 without using third-party tools

  1. Open file Explorer, and then locate the file or the folder you want to take ownership of.
  2. Right-click the file or folder, click Properties, then click the Security tab.
    Windows 10 take ownership 1
    Windows 10 take ownership 2
  3. Click on the Advanced button. The "Advanced Security Settings window" appears. Here, you must change the owner of the key
    Click the Change link next to the "owner" tag ..
    Windows 10 take ownership 3
  4. The Select user or Group window will appear
    Windows 10 take ownership 5
    Select the user account using the Advanced button or simply type your user account in the box that says "Enter the object name to select and click OK.
  5. Optionally, to change the owner all the subfolders and files in the folder, select the check box "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" in the "Settings advanced security. "Click OK to change the ownership. Windows 10 take ownership 6 owner subcontainers
  6. Now you must provide full access to the file or folder to your account. right-click the file or folder again, click Properties, then click the Security tab.
  7. Click the Add button. The "Permission Entry" window appears on the screen: Windows 10 take ownership 7 permission for entry
  8. Click "Select a primary" and select your account: Windows 10 take ownership 8 select principal
  9. Set permissions for "Control total ".
    Windows 10 take ownership 9 full control
    click OK
  10. option, click" Replace all existing inheritable permissions on all descendants with inheritable permissions from this object "in the window" advanced security settings. "
    Windows 10 take ownership 10 full access
    what this means is permissions on this parent object will replace those on its descendant objects. When cleared, permissions on each object, whether parent or its descendant, can be unique. Click OK to get full access to the file or folder.

There. You just changed ownership and gained full access to the file in Windows 10 using the application file Explorer

See :. How to restore the property TrustedInstaller in Windows 10

Take ownership of a file or folder in Windows 10 using TakeOwnershipEx

Alternatively, you can save a lot of your time using my freeware, TakeOwnershipEx. It allows you to change file ownership and access rights with a single click. Just select the file or folder and click the "Take Ownership" button:
Windows 10 take ownership 11 toex Windows 10 take ownership 12 toex
Once you get full access to the file or folder, you can even restore the default permissions which he had. Click the "Restore property" button to restore:
Windows 10 take ownership 12 restore toex
There. Using TakeOwnershipEx application, you can save your time, but even if you prefer to use the embedded options in the File Explorer, it should not be too difficult for you if you followed the instructions in this article.

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