How to display only the windows on the current desktop Alt + Tab in Windows 10

How to display only the windows on the current desktop Alt + Tab in Windows 10 -

In Windows 10 build 10036, there is a significant improvement in the management of windows. The Task View feature that adds virtual desktops Windows 10 got updated with new options. We examined how display only the current screen windows on the taskbar in Windows 10. Now let's see how the Alt + tab user interface show windows and applications that are running on the virtual desktop ongoing / active

Suppose you run multiple applications in the first desktop and notebook in the second: .

windows 10 two desktops

Tip: See how to move a window from one desktop to another in Windows 10.

Note how Notepad Alt + Tab dialog defaults showing in the first list of the office window:

windows 10 alt tab  show all windows it is possible to display only windows and applications of current screen

How to display only the windows and general office applications Alt + Tab. in Windows 10

There are new Versatile options in the Settings application. We can use them to change the behavior taskbar

  1. Click the Start menu and choose the Settings option
  2. In Settings, go to the system -...> Category Multitasking
  3. Go to the section "other workstations in the bottom of the page:
  4. Change the" by pressing Alt + Tab shows the open windows on "to "only the office that I'm using." This show that the windows of the current screen in the Alt + Tab UI in Windows 10 . Windows 10 alt tab only current desktop windows

After changing this option, the notebook disappears from the Alt + Tab switcher on desktop, but will remain visible on the second Desktop: desktop 2 notepad alt tab windows 10 current windows alt tab

There. You can always change the Multitasking options to their default values ​​for all the windows in the Alt + Tab dialog.

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