Delete "3D Print with 3D Builder" in the context menu of Windows 10

Delete "3D Print with 3D Builder" in the context menu of Windows 10 -

If you have Windows Update 10 anniversary installed, you may notice that it has a new element context menu for images. It is called "3D Print 3D Builder" and launches the application provided "3D Builder". If you are not using 3D Builder, you may find it useful to get rid of the context menu command. Here's how.

3D builder The 3D Builder application allows the user to view, capture, customize, and print 3D models. Using this application, you can create and print 3D models using a 3D printer. If you have no peripheral 3D printer, you can order professional quality print of your model directly from the application.

If you do not find the use of this application and its context menu item, here's how you can remove. he

  • Open the Registry Editor
  • Navigate to the following registry key :.
     HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT  SystemFileAssociations  .bmp  Shell 

    Tip: How to jump to the desired key to register in a single click

  • Delete T3D Print subkey :. Windows 10 remove 3D print with 3d builder
  • Now, repeat the previous step under the following registry key:
     HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT  SystemFileAssociations . jpg  Shell HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT  SystemFileAssociations  .png  Shell 

There. The contextual menu command "Print 3D with 3D Builder" disappears.

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