How to change the size of the scroll bars in Windows 10

How to change the size of the scroll bars in Windows 10 -

Since Windows 8, Microsoft has removed all options to control all advanced appearance settings of the operating system. While you can always change the Windows theme, you can not adjust the operation of specific controls look like it has been possible in all versions from Windows 95 all the way up to Windows 7. Windows 10 does not these return options. If you are looking for a way to change the look of scrolling in Windows 10, in this article, I will share how it can be done.

There are two ways to change the size of the scroll bars in Windows 10 . We will explore them.

Change the size of the scrollbar with Winaero Tweaker

In version 0.3.1 I added the appropriate option to Winaero Tweaker. Launch it and go to Advanced appearance - scrollbars. Here you can adjust the width of the scroll bars and change the size of the scroll buttons in Windows 7, Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 and 10. The changes will be applied immediately. No restart is required.
default scrollbars Winaero Tweaker
tweaked scrollbars Winaero Tweaker
There. You can download Winaero Tweaker here:
Download Winaero Tweaker | The list of features Winaero Tweaker | Winaero Tweaker FAQ

The alternative way involves editing the registry.

Set scrollbars appearance with a tweak registry

It is possible to adjust the window title bar height using the Windows Registry Editor. This method is worth mentioning for those who like to tinker with the system themselves.

  1. Open Registry Editor. If you are not familiar with the Registry Editor, see this detailed tutorial
  2. Navigate to the following registry key :.
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER  Control Panel  Desktop  WindowMetrics 

    Tip: You can access any desired key registry with one click.

  3. To change the width of scollbar, change the string value named "scrollWidth". Set its value using the following formula:
     -15 * desired width in pixels 

    For example, to set the width of the scroll bar to 18px, set the value scrollWidth to

     * 18 = -15 -270 
  4. to change the size of the scroll buttons, change the scrollHeight value using the same formula. Windows 10 chage scrollbars size
  5. After this, sign out and sign back in to your user account for the changes.

There. Note that if you modify the registry manually, the changes are not instantaneous. So if you want to experiment to determine the right size of the scroll bar, I recommend using Winaero Tweaker.

This trick also works in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

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