Whenever you install a new desktop theme (ThemePack) in Windows 10, and Windows 8 Windows 7 is installed for your user account. Other users on your PC will not have access to the installed theme. They will need to install it again when they are connected to their personal account. This is not intuitive and also wastes disk space. Here's a tip to set a theme for all users of Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.
To show you how you can install a theme for all users, you must first download a ThemePack. You are invited to download a ThemePack you love our huge collection of themes HERE.
- Double click the file or .deskthemepack * * .themepack you downloaded. The theme will be installed and applied to your user account. I use the theme Nature HD # 47 theme. It can be installed in Windows 10.
- All installed themes go to the following folder:
% LOCALAPPDATA% Microsoft Windows Themes
to open, press the shortcut keys Win + R together on the keyboard and type / copy and paste the above text into the Run box
Tip :. See the list of environment variables and Win key shortcuts for reference. - Find your theme folder and open it. There is a * .theme file:
- Run Notepad and drag * .theme file in the Notepad window to open
- Go to the end of the. file and find the [Slideshow] section. remove carefully all the values in [Slideshow] section (not the head of the section itself) and also keep the following parameters:
random interval
- Add the following line in the slideshow section:
ImagesRootPath = C: Windows Resources Themes THEMENAME DesktopBackground
where THEMENAME must be replaced properly.
For my example above, it must beImagesRootPath = C: Windows Resources Themes Nature HD # 47 DesktopBackground
- Change Wallpaper setting in [Control PanelDesktop], replace its way from localappdata%% Microsoft Windows Themes THEMENAME DesktopBackground IMAGEFILE.jpg with C: Windows Resources Themes THEMENAME DesktopBackground IMAGEFILE .jpg.
- Now cut the THEMENAME DesktopBackground of localappdata% folder% Microsoft Windows Themes THEMENAME DesktopBackground and paste the folder C: Windows Resources Themes Nature HD # 47 DesktopBackground. Confirm the request UAC when prompted:
- Finally, move the * .theme file from% localappdata% Microsoft Windows Themes THEMENAME C: Windows Resources Themes.
You will get the following files and folders:
- Open Personalization Control Panel. Your theme appears under "installed themes" and will be accessible by all user accounts on this PC:
There. You have finished.
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