Create a shortcut verification of updates in Windows 10

Create a shortcut verification of updates in Windows 10 -

of Windows 10 is configured to check for updates automatically, unless you disable this function manually. Sometimes you have to immediately check for updates in Windows 10. You can save your time and create a special shortcut to force Windows 10 check for updates at once.
Check for updates shortcut in action To create such a shortcut, we will use one of the ms-control settings available in Windows 10. For a complete list of commands here: Open various settings pages directly Windows 10 update anniversary

Create shortcut check for updates in Windows 10

  1. right click on empty space on your desktop and select New -> Shortcut:
    Windows 10 desktop new shortcut
  2. in the location of the item, enter the following:
     explorer ms-settings: WindowsUpdate-action 

    Check for updates shortcut target

  3. Add your shortcut a suitable name such as "check for Updates" and specify the desired icon: Check for updates shortcut name Check for updates shortcut icon

the next time you need to check the updates quickly, click the shortcut you just created.

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