Winkey disable certain shortcuts in Windows 10

Winkey disable certain shortcuts in Windows 10 -

In Windows 10, it is possible to disable some keyboard shortcuts that involve the Win . If you have a good reason to disable such a shortcut, say to re-allocate a certain application or script, here's how it can be done.

for Windows 10 has a number of predefined keyboard shortcuts with Win . We have covered earlier in our previous articles
Here are some shortcuts available in Windows 10 on the box :.
Win + D - Minimize all windows. See what is the difference between Win + D (Show Desktop) and Win + M (Minimize all) keyboard shortcuts in Windows

Win + R -. Open the Run dialog good old. This is the fastest way to access it in Windows 10.

Win + Ctrl + D - creates a new virtual desktop

Win + tab - manage virtual desktops / open Task View. See the following article for details: Hotkeys for managing virtual desktops in Windows 10 (Task View)

Win + A - Open Center action to display notifications. from the operating system and applications. You can disable this keyboard shortcut and the entire Action Centre if you do not use

Win + K -. Open the Connect menu. It is useful when you need to quickly connect to a device

Win + X -. Open the power user menu. This menu has shortcuts to useful administrative tools and functions of the system. View more details here: Use menu Win + X to manage tasks in Windows 10 faster

For the complete reference shortcut Winkey, see these articles :.

  • Ultimate List of all Windows keyboard shortcuts with Win keys
  • 10 keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10 everyone should know

If you want, you can disable one or more keyboard shortcuts winkey as follows.

  1. Open the Registry Editor
  2. Go to the following registry key :.
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER  Software  Microsoft  Windows  CurrentVersion  Explorer  Advanced 

    Tip: You can access any key desired register with one click.

  3. In the right pane, you must create a new string value named DisabledHotkeys . Windows 10 create new string value Windows 10 create DisabledHotkeys string value
  4. Set its value data on the characteristics of shortcuts you want to disable. Examples:
    Set to X to disable the shortcut Win + X
    Set to RX to disable the keyboard shortcuts Win + X and Win + R.
    and so on
    in the screenshot below, I disabled the Win + E shortcut: .. Disable certain Winkey shortcuts in Windows 10
  5. Restart Explorer or log out and log in to your user account

There. Once done, the shortcuts you specified will become invalid and without affectation. You can reuse a third party application that allows you to assign global hotkeys.

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