Here is a list of known issues for Windows 10 build 10122

Here is a list of known issues for Windows 10 build 10122 -

Yesterday, Microsoft made available a new version of Windows 10. Windows 10 build 10122 comes with several new features and improvements covered RIGHT HERE . In addition, they published the list of known problems in the published version. I recommend you read the
list Windows 10 banner logo devs 03

In the version of Windows 10 10122 published you might face the problems and bugs following :.

  • If you use an AMD GPU you're likely to encounter frequent accidents in Microsoft board (always mark as "Spartan Project" in this version). Unfortunately, there is no solution for this bug
  • Upgrade to this version on some PCs may fail and return to the previous version with the error 0x80070057 -. 0x007. This is a bug where too many INF files from the camera are being migrated and hit an internal limit. possible workaround is to use Disk Cleanup to clean the system files and choose the device driver packages, previous installations of Windows and the Windows temporary installation files. You also need to remove unnecessary devices and remove them from Device Manager and try again upgrading.
  • In this version there is a bug that can cause speech problems Cortana. If you experience problems with speech recognition, or get errors when trying to talk to Cortana, do the following:
    1. Launching the Task Manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + Esc
    2. Click " More details " at the bottom of the
    3. scroll through the process of back- map and find " Search " from the list.
    4. Right click and choose Search End Process .
    5. After a few moments (the search process will take some time to restart), please try using the word with Cortana again.

There. You can download Windows HERE 10 10122 ISO images.

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