Disable Action Center in Windows 10 completely

Disable Action Center in Windows 10 completely -

In Windows 10, Microsoft has updated the application Action Center. Now, it stores the notifications about all the important events such as updates, maintenance and safety warnings in one place. It might be familiar to users of Windows Phone. If you want to get rid of it completely, or withdraw its icon in the system tray, turn off notifications and so on, follow this simple tutorial.

There is a registry tweak that will allow you disable Action Center in Windows 10 . Here's what you do:

  1. Open Registry Editor
  2. Navigate to the following registry key :.
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER  SOFTWARE  Policies  Microsoft  Windows  Explorer 

    Tip: You can access a desired recording key in a single click
    If you have no key, then just create

  3. Create a new 32-bit DWORD value named DisableNotificationCenter .. . Note: If using 64-bit Windows 10, you still need to create a DWORD 32 bits. Set its value to 1. Windows 10 disable action center
  4. Restart your PC.

There. Before:

Windows 10 action center before After

Windows 10 action center disabled The action center will be disabled completely. Its icon disappears, you will not receive its notifications and even the keyboard shortcut Win + A will be disabled. To cancel this tweak, you must delete the value mentioned DisableNotificationCenter and restart your PC.

To avoid modifying the registry, you can use Winaero Tweaker. This freeware application has an option in Behavior -> Disable Action Center

Winaero Tweaker action center Get here: Winaero Tweaker

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