How to enable the former volume control in Windows 10

How to enable the former volume control in Windows 10 -

for Windows 10 introduced a new style of articles and their windows / flyouts that open from the area notification. All applets that open the system tray are different now. This includes / Time Date pane, the Action Center, Network pane and even volume control! Once you click on its icon in the system tray, the new volume indicator appears on the screen. If you do not like how it looks and works, it is possible to restore the previous volume control that is available in Windows 8 and Windows 7 with a simple registry tweak. In this article we will see how to activate the old Volume Control in Windows 10.

At the time of this writing, Windows 10 is a tweak that work register, when applied, will toggle between the old and the new volume indicator. If you are not satisfied with the new sound applet, here's how you can allow the former volume control in Windows 10 .

To restore the old volume applet in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Registry Editor
  2. Navigate to the following registry key :.
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE  Software  Microsoft  Windows NT  CurrentVersion  MTCUVC 

    Tip: Learn how to pass the key desired registry with one click.
    Create the subkey MTCUVC if you do not have it.

  3. Create a new 32-bit DWORD value named EnableMtcUvc and allow its value to 0. Windows 10 enable old volume control applet
  4. Log off and log in to your Windows account. Alternatively, you can simply restart the Explorer shell. . In fact, for many users this tweak works instantly, then try clicking on the icon systray first speaker

Windows 10 new volume control applet
Windows 10 old volume control applet
You can download files loans register for employment (* .reg) to avoid manually editing the registry.

download registry files ready to use

If you want to avoid modifying the registry, use Winaero Tweaker.

Winaero Tweaker old volume indicator He has the appropriate option in the "appearance" section. You can download Winaero Tweaker here:
Download Winaero Tweaker | The list of features Winaero Tweaker | Winaero Tweaker FAQ

There. Tell us in the comments volume control applet you like more? - New from Windows 10 or former

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